About Belongg
Belongg is a social venture that seeks to bring discrimination-free services and community experiences to people who face prejudice and bias due to their identity. In doing this, we utilize a knowledge based approach that harnesses the power of intersectional literature, research, and communities.
About The Belongg Research Collective
The Belongg Research Collective is a core vertical within Belongg and seeks to create a vibrant network of knowledge and researchers with intersectional interests (based on dimensions of identity such as gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, disability, etc) in domains as diverse as housing, mental health, water, agriculture, urban growth, education, and more. As a multidisciplinary network, the Belongg Research Collective conducts meet-ups and seminars and curates interesting research in easy to consume formats.
The xSDG Initiative:
The xSDG Initiative (or Intersectional SDG Initiative) by the Belongg Research Collective aims to focus on intersectional inclusion and diversity in global Sustainable Development Goals related initiatives. The UN SDG framework and its 17 goals are an important organizing approach that underpin a large fraction of development oriented activity across the globe. While Goals 5 (Gender Equality) and 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) do focus on intersectional themes of identity and representation, Belongg believes that intersectional thinking linked to gender, caste, disability, religion and so on, needs to be much more deeply integrated in the overall SDG approach. Not doing so neglects important realities of how people have significantly different experiences on account of their identity in ways that inhibit their growth and achievement of the SDG goals.
The xSDG Initiative aims to address such blindspots through creating an active dialogue around the need for intersectional thinking in SDG-related development, curating knowledge and research to promote such intersectional thinking and programming, and creating a community of researchers interested in these topics.
xSDG: Intersectional SDG Research Showcase
Belongg Research Collective invites you all for an exciting research showcase that focuses on the intersectionality of SDGs!
The xSDG Research Showcase by Belongg is looking to create a hub that will bring together research papers, datasets (quantitative research material), and grey-literature reports that focus on one or more SDGs and their intersectionality with identities (gender, race, LGBTQ themes, disability, caste, and more).
We are crowdsourcing some of these research materials and are inviting researchers and research enthusiasts to nominate papers, datasets, and reports for us to add to this Hub with a view of getting at least 100+ in each of these three categories.
Steps to participate
Select research papers, datasets and reports that focus on one or more SDGs and their intersectionality with gender, caste, race, disability, faith and sexual orientation.
Go on our Paperform Link (https://mvq4kkw3.paperform.co/) and fill in the form and either upload the dataset or research papers or share the download link with us. It is important that the research papers and the datasets be in the public domain and not behind a paywall.
You can upload up to 5 papers, datasets, or reports in one entry. In case you would like to make more than 5 submissions, you will have to fill a separate form.
There is no limit to the number of uploads that can be submitted
The research or data sets can be global. We are not placing any restrictions on geography.
In the Published Research category, only those papers published in peer-reviewed journals will be considered.
What happens after you submit your entries?
The Belongg Research Collective team will review all the uploaded materials and will put up relevant materials on the xSDG website freely available for use by the research community.
We will also have a jury who will determine the “Top 10” entries in each of the three categories (peer-reviewed paper, dataset, and report). Participants who have submitted these will all get a book as a token of our appreciation.
There are also two grand prizes: the submitter with the highest number of accepted entries will win INR 30,000 and the submitter with the second-highest number of entries will win INR 20,000 subject to a minimum of 5 accepted entries.
There might be a scenario of two or more people recommending the same research paper or dataset. In these cases, we will consider the applicants in the chronological order of their submission and will award the person who submitted the paper first.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact us at research@belongg.net