Inclusive Energy Handbook

Countries in Africa experience huge shortfalls in energy supply and access that restrict social and economic progress. As a result, rural women have to bear the disproportionate share of manual labour and outdoor work responsible for organising alternate ways of access to energy. About 90% of manual labour in African countries is contributed by women leading to adverse impacts on their health. For example– Cooking accounts for about 70 per cent of household energy use in Africa — compared with 10 per cent globally. The use of firewood and biofuels cause toxic fumes and cause more than 600,000 deaths annually–most of whom are overwhelmingly women. Which communities face the brunt of unequal access to energy? Have inequalities to energy been exacerbated due to COVID 19 pandemic?  How can community-based approaches be leveraged to bring inadequate measures for equitable access? Find answers to questions similar to these in the report published by Mercy Corps / Women’s Refugee Commission here