This study takes a spatial and longitudinal approach to examine social inequality through patterns of residential segregation by caste/tribe in urban India. Building on the existing literature, this paper highlights that in India’s largest cities, residential segregation by caste/tribe is greater than residential segregation by socioeconomic status. Furthermore, it also establishes a clear connection between traditionally excluded groups and urban wards with a low proportion of households with in-house drinking water and latrines.
They also expand their study by quantitatively examining the trends in caste-based segregation over time, while providing a more nuanced understanding of how this durable system of social inequality manifests differentially across city-size categories in India. Consequently, they take a longitudinal perspective to examine whether urban residential segregation by caste is improving, remaining the same, or worsening over time. The paper is authored by Kanhu Charan Pradhan, Gayatri Singh, and Trina Vithathil.
Source: SAGE Journals
People Involved: Kanhu Charan Pradhan, Gayatri Singh, Trina Vithathil