Principal, Dalberg Advisors


Mokena Makeka is a Principal in Dalberg Advisors. He is a South African raised in Maseru, Lesotho and New York, USA and is an accomplished architect, artist, creative, curator, global leader, scholar, speaker, urbanist.

He holds a B.Arch Dist. Hons, ( Magna Cum Laude) University of Cape Town (UCT), and various executive leadership qualifications, from the Harvard Kennedy School, Oxford University and others.

He is currently the Azrieli Visiting Critic of 2020, Carleton University School of architecture and urbanism- Canada, Adjunct Professor Cooper Union- New York, and is a Board member of the South African Green Building Council and is a board member of the Cape Town Central City Improvement district.He is a Young Global leader at the World Economic Forum 2015 and is a member of the WCS Young leaders in urbanism. (Singapore).