How can diversity and inclusion center around amplifying joy?

So much of sustainable development and design centers on ‘solving problems’. While seeing the lack of basic necessities is important in imagining a genuinely equitable future, confining ourselves to ‘problem solving’ often means that we end up only seeing certain people and communities in terms of their challenges, their lacks. We diminish the fullness of people’s lives and experiences. And we miss out on the diverse aspirations people hold for a fulfilling and joyful life. What if, instead, our diversity and inclusion efforts focused on amplifying joy?

Through people’s lived experiences of joy, this session aims to explore the complexity of people’s aspirations and unpack the question: how can diversity and inclusion centre around amplifying joy? How can it detach from a narrative of constant lack and despair and anchor on the joy and fulfilment that all people deserve?

Find out by registering for xSDG Unconference by @Belongg and join the Inclusive Design panel on August 30, 7:30 pm IST.

Moderator for the session: Zarah Udwadia (Senior Designer, Dalberg Design)


  • Anjali Siroya (Recruitment Coordinator, Humsafar Trust)
  • Soumita Basu (Founder, Zyenika)
  • Bhuvana Meenakshi (Co-founder, EmergeAbility)
  • Siddhant Shah (Founder, Access for ALL)