Unblocking Barriers to Inclusive WASH: Learnings from Slums in Bhubaneswar

This report, by Tripti Singh and Anju Dwivedi, looks into access to sanitation fascilities in urban areas, and whether the access and benefits of sanitation schemes are recieved by marginalised groups. The report shows that 60% of the transgender households have access to individual latrines, and out of the 4% of households that had PwD, 66% of them had access.

The report also shows how the limited availability of water affects women disproportionately, as women bear the burden of fetching water in cases of unavailability. along with this, the report also throws light on how people from marginalised communities, like SCs are less likely to have access to an individual latrine, with more than half of the surveyed population practicing open defecation, with areas of settlement having no consistent water supply. in terms of community toilets, infrastructure for access for PwD and transpersons is almost non-existent.

Source: Centre for Policy Research

people Involved: Tripti Singh and Anju Dwivedi